Monday, March 24, 2008

Survived the weekend

Hope everyone had a nice Easter. Ours was quiet and relaxing. Just the four of us. I stayed in my pajamas until 2pm LOL. Our cockatiel Luckybird laid an egg yesterday, too. How appropriate! I wanted to take it out and dye it pink but I don't think she would have been too happy. Here's a picture of her with her little egg. Isn't it cute? She will lay more during the next week (usually one egg every other day until she has about 5 or 6), sit on them for a couple weeks, then realize they won't hatch and she'll abandon them. At that time, I'll take them out and throw them away. How sad. She puts so much effort into keeping her "babies" warm.

Weekends are usually the time when I will go off track with food. This weekend I did surprisingly well and I'm so excited. Even with Easter yesterday and chocolate in the kids' Easter baskets, I didn't cave into pressure. I haven't had even ONE piece of Easter chocolate this year. Whoo hoo. I think this is the first time in my entire life that I haven't had Easter candy.

For dinner yesterday we BBQ'd some really nice pork spareribs. We also had some homemade potato salad and a huge tray of veggies roasted in the oven (Asparagus, red bell peppers, purple onion, and zucchini, drizzled with a little olive oil and S&P). Yum. Last night we did have a chocolate turtle pie for dessert (Claim Jumper brand - frozen section) and I had a very small piece. Just one. I probably won't have anymore.

Tomorrow we're headed to Disneyland so I know I"ll be getting a lot of walking in. That's always a good thing. It will probably be packed with people, so lines to buy food will be super long and that will be a deterrent to not stop and buy snacks all day. I think i'll pack along a couple protein bars and some beef jerkey since we'll be there from 8am opening until late. They close at midnight, but I seriously doubt we will last for 16 hours!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

No loss this week

Bummer, I weighed today and I was the same as last week. I soooooo wanted to see a loss, but last week I lost 2.4, for a total of 10.6 so I should be happy. I have 13 more pounds to go to get to my first goal.

Had a good workout today of legs and it really got my heart pumping. Stepups on the bench, lots and LOTS of squats (on the Bosu ball as well as the floor), prone leg curl, 105 calf raises (35 regular, 35 with toes out, and 35 with toes in), and also some ab work on the mat (my chance to just lay down! LOL).

tonight I played Bunco with my monthly group and I had NO CANDY, which was a miracle considering there were Reeses peanut butter eggs (the small kind) on the table. I didn't eat any ... not even ONE !! I did have a piece of chocolate cream pie, but something like that is not likely to cause me to crave more. If it's peanut butter, that's when it's trouble!

This week I really want a loss. 2 pounds would thrill me! More than that would cause me to have a coronary LOL. Kids are on Spring Break now, but there will be lots of activity including Disneyland on Tuesday. Lots of walking :-)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

10 pounds down

It's been 3 weeks now since I've been back on track. I weighed in on Friday and I am down 10 pounds. I am sooooooooo excited and I feel proud of myself. I am still digging myself out of the hole I dug .... I have about 7 more pounds to go to be back where I was in September. Once I get there I will feel like I'm back to normal. For a very short time in the summer I got down another 6 pounds to my low. I will be happy just getting down the 7 more.

Yesterday was a bad eating day. I can't believe I did this but I ate 4 donuts over the course of the day. I had brought a big box of donuts to a debate tournament that my son was in. There, I had 2 donuts, then I shared one on the way home with the kids (I should have given the box of leftovers to someone), then last night really late I ate another! Ugh. I think it's out of my system now. I have other things I can eat that are just as satisfying for my sweet tooth. I have my sugar-free and fat free puddings, and my Carbrite bars (sugar free and packed with 20g. protein). I WILL have a great week and be successful!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Long time no see

Wow, it's been a long time since i've posted here. November! Can't believe it. Well, since my last posting, i've had a lot of ups and downs with my weight.

I had a mini emotional breakdown over my weight in November when I gained 6 pounds in 2 days (obviously water weight, but when someone is struggling with weight, there is no reasoning with them). After Thanksgiving came the holidays and we all know how hard that is. I gained more weight, which made me depressed, and when I'm depressed I eat for comfort. I was feeling so fat and heavy that I didn't want to workout, and when I was at the gym I was not putting a whole lot into it.

On January 2 I pushed re-start. I lost a couple pounds of holiday weight only to gain them right back plus 1 more. Urgghh. So frustrating. I pushed re-start #2 on January 16 and did very well (lost 6 pounds in 6 days) UNTIL my body burst into hives on January 23. Check out this lovely view of my stomach. These hives were some of the worst, but I had them everywhere (except my head).

Although the hives improved after a week, the fact was that I had hives for TEN DAYS !!! The antihistamines and Prednisone I was taking made me horribly hungry. During the worst days of hives, I would sit and eat, hungry from the meds and feeling sorry for myself. It was a completely miserable experience and I hope they NEVER come back!

Moving along to February I was downright lazy, I ate horribly, and I had no motivation. The more I gained, the more I just wanted to stay home and do nothing. Having another mini emotional breakdown at the gym (I hate crying there!) on February 18, I gathered myself together and on Friday, February 22, I pushed re-start AGAIN. Since then I've had 10 days of being focused and I'm down 7.6 pounds.

At the gym, we've lowered the amount of weight I"m lifting and increasing the reps. I really like that so much more. I felt like I was lifting too much, which was causing me pain in my deltoid (previous injury) and when I wasn't able to complete a set I would get discouraged. Discouraged = depressed = overeating. I feel sooooo much better since we've lowered my weights. I have more energy to do my cardio afterward and that is helping too. My pants are already feeling better.

I have 10 more pounds to lose to get back to where I was at the end of September and I know I will get there. That is my first goal. My 2nd goal is to lose 6 more pounds to be at my all-time low that I hit in June of last year (50 pound loss).

I WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've discovered the BEST sugar-free, low carb, high protein bars. Visit: You can do a search for a store near you that sells them, or you can order online through various website (just google it and check out the best deals). The Toasted Coconut bar tastes like a Mounds Bar. ! YUM. The Cookie Dough bar packs a whopping 20g. of protein. Most protein bars contain a lot less, taste like cardboard, and are high in fat. Then there's the ones you lower the fat on, but they have like 2 g. of protein, and are full of sugar. The cookie dough variety has: 195 cals, 5g. fat, 24g. carb, and 20 protein. Although there are 24 g. carbs, there is only 1g. NET IMPACT CARBS, which are carbs that cause a noted impact on blood sugar.

If you love the above OK Go video, check out this little guy LOL