Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You are what you eat

You know the saying "You are what you eat"? Well, i was a sloth in the energy department today, so does that mean I ate sloth? LOL Really, I ate a bunch of junk over the weekend. I just couldn't stop. Today, my energy level was soooo low at the gym and I felt like crud.

Today was shoulder day. I am still having pain in my deltoid muscle. Last week we avoided lateral raises to test if that was the cause of the pain. But, I ended up taking a step class and did them in class, so I messed up our experiement. Today we avoided front raises, but my arm is still hurting. In fact, it's hurting more tonight than it has in the past week. I think it's ALL shoulder exercises. I had to do overhead shoulder press, and used a heavier weight than normal and now I am feelign the pain! Not pain like soreness ... but pain like something's wrong.

Here is what we did:

* Cybex shoulder press: 30#/15 x 3 sets

* Dumbbell lateral raise: 5#/15 x 3 sets (stuck with light weight just in case)

* Dumbbell overhead raise: 15#/10 x 3 sets

* ISO incline: 10#/15 x 3 sets

* ISO Bench: 20#/15 x 3 sets

* Iso Decline: 25#/15 x 3 sets

* Iso Tricep Dips: 55#/15 x 1 set; 65#/15 x 2 sets

* Crunches 3 sets of 20

* Reverse Crunch/Lift Up: 3 sets of 15

* Elbow to knee side crunch: 3 sets of 15 on each side

* Ball to Toe crunch: 3 sets of 20 w/7# ball

* Step & Pump class - 60 mins.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

oct 19 - legs & abs

Leg day ... oh joy.... NOT! Leg day is a love/hate relationship. I hate legs because it's hard, but I love doing them because it makes me feel good afterward.

Here's what we did:

skipping stairs - 7 flights up/down - 10# dumbbell

Kneeling leg curl - 20#/10 x 3 sets (on each side)

Leg Press - 110#/10; 130#/10; 150#/10

Seated calf raise - 45#/15 x 3 sets

Easy bar dead lift - 40#/15 x 3 sets

Glute press - R/L sides separately: 75#/15 x 1 set; 87.5#/15 x 2 sets

Crunches on ball 20 x 2 sets

High crunches holding med. ball 7#/20

Twists on stability ball 7# med ball/20

Knee Ups on ball 20 times each side

Squats, feet together: 20

Squats, feet apart: 20

Stairmaster: 20 mins, level 5-6
Recumbent Bike: 10 mins, level 10
Treadmill: 1.5 miles walk/run 15 mins

Thursday, October 18, 2007

10/17 Back and Abs

This morning I woke up and felt really tired, plus grumpy, and emotional. If I didn't know, I would have said I was pregnant LOL. Considering there is no chance at that LOL, I chalked it up to PMS. haha. I was on the verge of cancelling my training for the morning but went anyway. I'm so dedicated ROFL. I knew I had a dental appt. afterward to have a suture removed from my crown lengthening procedure on Monday, so I wanted to get out some of the anxiety over that.

Today was back and abs day. When Carlos was here we'd always do biceps with back, but no biceps were on the agenda today.

Warmup: bike 12 minutes, level 10

Cybex lateral pull : 85# x 1 set of 15; 90# x 2 sets of 15

Cybex pull down: 85# x 3 sets of 15

Cybex low (seated) row: 40# x 2 sets of 15; 30# x 1 set of 15

Iso High Row (slow): 35# x 1 set of 15; 30# x 2 sets of 15

Bench dumbbell row: 15# x 3 sets of 15 on each side

Leg flys (dolphin) on ball : 3 sets of 20

Stability Ball between feet / balance twist: 2 sets of 15

Crunches on ball: 20

Bicycles: 30

Reverse crunch 20

V-Ups (Butt Pikes) on stability ball: 1 set of 15; 2 sets of 10

Treadmill 2 miles, run/walk, 29 minutes. walking speed 3.8; run speed 5.5-6.2

10/16 Chest, Shoulders, Abs

Today should have been mostly shoulders, but considering I've been having some pain in my right arm from what my trainer believes could be from the bottom of my deltoid muscle, we did just a little shoulders, and added in some chest and tricep (oh, and of course abs ... we do abs every time, ugh). Shoulders are kept at a light weight until we figure out what's causing my pain.

Assisted Pullups 3 sets of 10 ... pin #15 (pin #20 is the most assistance)

Assisted Dips 3 sets of 10 ... pin #15 and #14

Chest Press 15# x 3 sets of 15

Cable rear delt 5# x 3 sets of 15

Dumbbell front raise 5# x 3 sets of 15

Dumbbell overhead 5#x 3 sets of 15

ISO tricep dips 45# x 1 set of 15 .... then 65# x 2 sets of 15

Crunches on stability ball 20

Medicine ball 7# at shoulder, twist diagonally down - each side x 2 sets of 15

Reach up crunches w/medicine ball sitting on stability ball 7# x 15

Reverse Crunch on bench 2 sets of 15

Cardio: kickboxing class

Friday, October 12, 2007

No loss is good loss

Well, I weighed in today at the SAME WEIGHT as last week, but that's better than gaining, right? I'm not too upset. Next week I WILL have a loss. I can guarantee it. Right now isn't exactly the perfect time to be stepping on the scale, if ya know what I mean LOL.

Today was leg workout. We did a lot of work on the basketball court, lunging down and back on the floor in various ways. In addition to getting weighed, I also had new measurements taken to give me a new baseline to go off of.

Butt Blaster 50#/15 x 3 sets (on each leg)

Prone leg curl 30#/15 x 3 sets (this was way too easy -- do I dare tell my trainer?? lol)

Walking Lunges w/med. ball (rotating left, then right) 7lb/2 lengths of BB court

Walking side lunges 2 lengths of bb court

123 turn (squat down 3 times, then hop up and turn around to face other side) 10 times

Diagonal jumps (jump diagonally up left, then right, diagonally back left, then right, making an X-pattern) 1 minute

Wall Sits 20 seconds; 26 seconds

Bench crunches 15 x 3 sets

Crunches on ball w/medicine ball twist 3 sets of 15 on each side

Reverse crunches on matt 20

Planks 25 seconds

Side Plank (L) 20 seconds
(R) 20 seconds

Cardio: Recumbent bike, level 10, 32 minutes
Treadmill - run/walk 1 mile 12:20 min. My legs were tired !!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Chest/Tricep Day

Nothing out of the ordinary today, just regular chest/tricep workout.

ISO Incline 5#/15 x 3 sets
ISO Bench Press 10#/15 x 3 sets
Cybex Adv. 15#/15 x 2 sets
Assisted Pullups pin settings 19, 18, 18
Assisted Dips pin settings 18, 17, 17
Seated Chest Press 25#/15 x 3 sets
Seated fly 15#/15 x 3 sets

Butt Pikes 3 sets of 15
Bicycles 2 sets of 40, 1 set of 25

Cardio: Step Class - 45 minutes.

My upper arm has been hurting me since Saturday night. In talking with my trainer she suspects it might be the bottom of my deltoid muscle. When I do shoulders again on Monday, she will see which exercises might have aggravated it since I just did shoulders on Friday, and I've had this problem before earlier in the year. It could have been overlifting since I have been increasing my weights. It's feeling better today, but Saturday night it was hurting quite a bit wheneverI'd try to rotate my arm inward (like rolling over in bed and pulling the covers over me).

I've been proud of my food intake. I did great over the weekend and the "worst" thing I cheated on, which really wasn't cheating, was 1/2 c. of Dreyers Grand Light ice cream w/fat free Reddi Whip whipped cream. YUMMMMM. I am expecting a nice weight loss on Friday. If I don't, I'm gonna scream !!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Good workout ... and a loss for the week !!

Yaaaayyyy, I weighed in today and am actually down a couple pounds (2.8 to be exact) since I posted the weight loss ticker at the top of my blog. 11.2 more to go to get to my Christmas goal. I should mention that I really lost closer to 5 pounds this week, having gained SINCE I posted that ticker, but didn't want to add to it so I kept my mouth zipped closed LOL and pretended I was still at my starting weight. hahaha. Thank God that when weight is gained fast like that, it usually comes off fairly fast. It's getting PAST that which makes me very frustrated.

Today was shoulder/ab day at the gym. I've now done a complete rotation with Elizabeth (my trainer). Here is what I did.

Cable rear delt 10#/15 x 3 sets
Dumbell lateral raise 5#/15 x 3 sets
Dumbell front raise 5#/15 x 3 sets
Dumbell overhead raise 7.5#/15 x 3 sets

Bench crunches 3 sets of 15
Crunches on ball 15, then 2 sets of 20
Bicycles on matt 3 sets of 40 (or 20 if you count L/R together)
Medicine ball twist 7#/20 x 3 sets
Lean back holds 15 (each one, count for 10)
Supermans 3 (hold for 30-60 seconds)
Reverse Crunches 2 sets of 15

Stairclimber 20 minutes, level 6
Treadmill walk 1.0 mile

Elizabeth is so encouraging and even though she isn't the one that trained with me for the past 2 years, she seems genuinely proud of my accomplishments. I have my progress pictures posted in my workout log book, and she was looking at them, then someone saw and asked if they could see, and before I knew it I had 3 people looking atmy pics. One man said "no way, that was not you before". haha. It makes me feel good and renews some motivation to work harder to finally reach my goals. I do still see myself as fat, though. I don'tlike to look in the mirror at my whole body very often because I still see the fat girl in the reflection, and all the imperfections that I have. I guess that comes from being overweight for so many years and that feeling of insecurity that comes with it. Even when I lost weight on diets before, I was never in good shape (NEVER exercised). Now, I can honestly say I am in great physical shape for a 42-year old (43 in 3 more weeks, ugh!).

Monday brings Chest/Bicep/Tricep/Abs. I think tomorrow (Saturday) I'll try to go to Advanced Step. I haven't been in a LONG time. The teacher is my favorite step instructor. Her step moves are very dancy, and hard choreography which I love.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Legs, legs, and more legs !!

Today was my first leg day with Elizabeth (my new trainer). I was a little nervous. Actually, nervous isn't really the word I am looking for. Maybe petrified is more like it! LOL. No, really, I was a bit anxious because leg day in the past was always the day that I felt the pain afterward and Elizabeth has proven that she is one heck of a good trainer and she encourages (forces?!?) me to do more than I have in the past. I want this, though, beause I told her I want to step it up and FINALLY lose the last of my weight. I can do it. I am woman, hear me roar !!

So .... after a quick warmup on the bike we head over to start. We walked over to a bench and i'm thinking hmmmm, i've never done any leg workout on the bench. I quickly learned what she had up her sleeve.

* Step-ups: "Oh it's easy, simply step up and down on the bench". hahaah. Yeah, maybe if I added a few inches to my legs. As a shortie at 5'2" (actually 5'1-1/2", but by saying 5'2" I can weigh a little bit more according to the charts!) I had to really step up to get on that bench. It was hard but I liked it. I got to squeeze in a little cardio while I was at it, too. I need the cardio to slim down these thighs of mine. Anyhow, I did them for 1 minute (no weights in hands for this set)

Next I did:

* Plie (wide) squats 20#/15 reps.

* Bosu Squat, holding a 7.5# dumbell out in front of me for balance.

* Drop Lunges. I've always done walking lunges (except when I first started, when I did them holding on to the wall and 5-10 of them just about killed me haha ... wow, I've come a long way. Anyhow, I did 20 on each side, holding 15 lbs.

After those 4 things, I repeated each one again. The only difference was in the step-ups, I held on to 15 lbs (2 x 7.5lb DB).

* Next came Butt Blaster. I did 3 sets of 10 on each leg. It was on pin #4, assuming that's 40#.

* Cybex Leg Press: First did 140#/15 reps. Then we added 20 more pounds since I am woman (hear me roar) and I did 2 sets of 15 at 160#.

* Standing Calf Raises. 3 sets of 15, 30#.

Next came abs ............

* Bicycles on floor: 25
* Elbow to knee (right and left sides each): 15
* Glutes on ball: 15 on each side (variation from the video clip, my stationary foot was on the stability ball)
* Bridge Roll Outs: 15
* Stability Ball Pass 1/2: 15 (only did the legs; did not pass to the hands as the clip shows)
* Medicine Ball reach up to toe: 15 on each side
* Crunches reaching up: 15
* Supermans: 2 times. Held each side 30 seconds. Did not alternate as clip shows.

Elliptical (Precor): 15 minutes, level 12
Treadmill: run/walk 1.5 miles

My next workout is Friday and it's shoulders/ab day ... that is ... if I can move after today! hahaha.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Back Workout

Today was my 2nd workout with my new trainer. We did back and a some abs at the end.

Dual Axis pull down 80#/15 x 3 sets
Bench DB Pullovers 15#/15 - 20#/15 - 15#/15
Bench DB Row 15#/15 x 3 (on both sides)
Cable Rope high row 70#/15 x 3
Cable Rope low row 60#/15 x 3
Cable pull down to collarbone 50#/10 - 40#/15 - 40#/15

Bench crunches 3 sets of 15
Gravity ball twist (on each side) 4#/15 x 3
Med. ball twist with feet up 7#/20 x 3 sets

Pike Ups 10
Crunches on ball 35

Cardio: Step class 60min.

Wednesday is leg day. Yikes. I'm almost scared! hahaha. This will be first leg workout with my new trainer.
If you love the above OK Go video, check out this little guy LOL