Wednesday, July 9, 2008


First off, here's a picture of me on the elliptical today. My daughter took it with her cell phone so that's why it's blurry. I love the elliptical. I love how it makes me really sweaty. Check out the sweat on my arms.

Beginning on MOnday I will have a new trainer until August 12. My trainer Elizabeth will be away on business so I will be trained by Ryan. Hope he doesn't kill me! haahahha.

ISO Incline Press 3 sets of 15 (no additional weight)
ISO Decline Press 20# x 3 sets of 20
ISO Bench Press (bar is 45 lbs) 3 sets of 15
Dumbbell kickbacks 7.5# in each hand. 3 sets of 20
Cable Rope Tri Overhead 40# x 3 sets of 15
Dumbbell flys on mat 7.5# in each hand x 3 sets of 20
Skull Crushers on mat 5# in each hand x 3 sets of 20

Bicycles - 2 sets of 40
Reverse Crunches - 2 sets of 15
Straight Leg Lift - 2 sets of 15
Elbow to knee reach - 2 sets of 15 on each side
Situps with DB - 7.5# set of 15
Side Plank lifts 15 on each side
Plank 25 seconds

Precor Elliptical - 30 minutes, 356 calories

Tonight we went to dinner at Olive Garden. I was very conscientious about what I ate. I started with a bowl of Minestrone (only 164 calories and 1 g. of fat) and I only ate maybe 1/2 to 1/3 of it (too many tomatoes). I did have 1-1/2 breadsticks. They are 120 each (and 1.5 g. fat) so 180 cals for that. My main dish was Capellini Pomodoro (skinny spagetti noodles with diced roma tomatoes, basil, garlic, and olive oil) which was totally gross. It had a tomato explosion on top and was kind of tart. I didn't eat even half of it. It was hard to even get down what I did! On the menu it had the little olive branch symbol next to it indicating a low-fat option, but it still had over 600 calories when I looked it up at home. I had looked up food options before we left and had chosen a grilled chicken entree, but it was not on the menu when we got there (I was upset, too, cuz it was only like 260 calories).

My day up until Olive Garden was low in cals, too. Breakfast was a Glucerna bar before my workout (only 70 cals), then had some leftover turkey breast taco meat when I got home, then had a salad for lunch with more ground turkey BREAST with 4 tortilla chips. Yum. Taco salad. Even with Olive Garden, I'm far below my 1500 allowable calories.

Oh, and today I dipped back down into a new 10's group on the scale. I won't say what ten's ... but let's just say it's the lowest I've been since last year. hehehehe. I'm happy :-)

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